Monday, December 20, 2010

Rubric for Research Report

Here is the Rubric for the Research Report; use this as a guide to help you in writing your first draft:

Research Report: Student Model

Check out the student model below to help get you started with the Research Report. You can also download and print it by clicking the Google logo on the top-left corner:

Wordskills Unit 7 Part A

Check your answers to Unit 7 Part A below:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Week 5 Term 2

Welcome to Week five of Term Two. This week we will be covering: Research Report and Interrogative Pronouns.

(Language Network)
Chapter 3:
Lesson 6: Interrogative and Demonstrative

Chapter 27

Research Report

(Word Skills)
• Unit 7: Parts A and C

Journal Five:
"In your experience, are grown-ups usually happy or unhappy about their jobs."

Your journal must contain:
Introduction (Five Sentences)
Body (Five Sentences)
Conclusion (Five Sentences)

• Gum page 62
• Word Skills Unit 7 Part C


No Quiz This Week

PowerPoint Presentations:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Draft Due Date

Remember all final drafts must be turned in by Sunday (December 12th).

See you soon.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Final Draft

Remember to submit your final draft properly.

It should be stapled in the following order:

  1. Comparison-Contrast Rubric
  2. Final draft of your essay
  3. First draft of your essay

Week 3 Term 2

This week we will see each other for only one lesson, so we will only be finishing Wordskills and the comparison-contrast essay.

(Word Skills)
• Unit 6: Parts A and C

Journal Eight:
"Can you think of five things you can do to become a better student? What are they?"

Your journal must contain:
Introduction (Five Sentences)
Body (Five Sentences)
Conclusion (Five Sentences)

• Word Skills Unit 6 Part C


No Quiz this week

"Your Zone" Blog:

Comparison Contrast Rubric:

PowerPoint Presentations:

Follow this link to download this presentation:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Great Job So Far

Seventh grade, I'm reading some amazing essays so far.

I am really impressed. I didn't know that I had such gifted, professional writers in my class.

Monday, November 29, 2010

G.U.M. (pages 53 & 56)

Anyone that lost their GUM worksheets can download pages 53 & 56 below.

These two sheets are homework.

GUM pages 53 & 56:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week 2 Term 2

Welcome to Week Two of Term Two. This week we will be covering: possessive, reflexive, intensive, interrogative, and demonstratve pronouns.

(Language Network)

Chapter 3:

Lesson 4: Possessive Pronouns

Lesson 5: Reflexive and Intensive

Lesson 6: Interrogative and Demonstrative

Chapter 14

Types of Paragraphs

(Word Skills)
• Unit 5: Parts B and D

Journal One:
"Do you thinks it's a good idea for someone your age to work after school or on weekend? Give the reasons for your answer."

*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 5
Your journal must also contain:
Introduction (Three Sentences)
Body (Five Sentences)
Conclusion (Three Sentences)

• Gum Lessons 4, 5, and 6
• Word Skills Unit 5 Part D


Reading Comprehension

PowerPoint Presentations:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Leap to Success

We speak only of success in this class.

You can achieve anything that you set your mind to.

All you must do is set your goal.

If you want to succeed, you must plan to succeed.

Tell your mother, father, sister, and brother.

Look in the mirror every morning and say the following out loud:

I believe in myself. I believe in my family. I believe that I will succeed

this year. I will master my language course. I will master the English language.

I know that success is based upon serious study and reflection. I choose to succeed

and I will succeed.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Comparison-Contrast Essay

Essay Requirements:

  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12
  • Double Spaced
  • Title centered and underlined
  • 450 word minimum
  • 500 word maximum

Essay Must Include:

  • Introduction (One Paragraph)
  • Body (Two Paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (One Paragraph)

The following must be written in the top left corner of your paper:

  • Name
  • Class
  • Date
  • Word Count

Look at the following example:

Magdy Mohamed

Grade 7G

November 26th 2010

Word Count: 500

Possible Comparison-Contrast essay topics:

Compare and Contrast:

  • Your mother and father
  • National School and American School
  • PlayStation and Xbox
  • Egypt and America
  • Two of your teachers
  • Your brother and sister
  • PC's and Laptops
  • Two of your favorite movies
  • Two of your favorite television shows

(You are also free to choose your own topic)

First Draft Due:

(Tuesday) November 30th 2010

Final Draft Due:
(Thursday ) December 9th 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Term Two Journals


Week One:

"What do you think about a weekly allowance? Is it really necessary? Should you have to do chores to earn it? Why"

Week Two:

"Do you think it's a good idea for someone your age to work after school or on weekend? Give the reasons for your answer?"

Week Three:

"Can you think of five things you can do to become a better student?

What are they?"

Week Four:

"Do you have a best friend or favorite person you spend time with? What is it about this person that makes him or her your favorite?"

Week Five:

"In your experience, are grown-ups usually happy or unhappy about their jobs."

Week Six:

"If you could offer three suggestions to someone about how to live a happy life, what would you suggest?"

Week Seven:

"Can you think of a hilarious experience that happened to someone you know?"

Week Eight:

"Name the first three things you would do if you won One Million Dollars?"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Week 1 Term 2

Welcome to Week Eight. This week we will be covering Comparison-and-Contrast Essay.


(Language Network)
Chapter 24: Comparison-Contrast)

•(Wordskills) Unit 4: Parts B and D

Journal One:
"What do you think about receiving money from your parents on a weekly basis? Is it really necessary? Should you have to do chores to earn it? Why"

*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 4
Your journal must also contain:
Introduction (Five Sentences)
Body (Five Sentences)
Conclusion (Five Sentences)


• Word Skills Unit 5 Part D

Quiz: Pronouns

Follow the link below to get to the PowerPoint Presentations:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Week 8 Term 1

Welcome to Week Eight. This week we will be covering Pronouns.

I regret to inform you that we will not be completing the Young Teachers Presentation this week.

Please continue to work with your groups, and we will complete it during the first week of term 2

Do not bring your laptops to school this week.


(Language Network)
Chapter 3:
Lesson 4: What is a Pronoun?
Lesson 5: Subject Pronoun
(Word Skills)
Unit 4: Parts B and D

Journal Eight:
"What is your favorite Holiday? Why?"
*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 4
Your journal must also contain:
Introduction (Three Sentences)
Body (Five Sentences)
Conclusion (Three Sentences)

• G.U.M Pages 50 and 53
• Word Skills Unit 4 Part D

No Quiz this week!

Follow the link below to get to the PowerPoint Presentations:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Week 7 Term 1

Welcome to Week Seven!

This week we will be covering:
Compound Nouns, Nouns and Their Jobs, and Using Who, That, and Which


(Language Network)
Chapter 2:
Lesson 4: Compound Nouns
Lesson 5: Nouns and Their Jobs
Chapter 13
• Lesson 5: Using Who, That, and Which
(Word Skills)
• Unit 4:
Parts A and C

Journal Seven:
"We get angry at ourselves for lots of reasons. When was the last time you were angry with yourself? What was the reason?"

*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 3

Your journal must also contain:
• Introduction (Three Sentences)
• Body (Five Sentences)
• Conclusion (Three Sentences)

• G.U.M Pages 40 and 43
• Word Skills Unit 4 Part C

Term Test:
Chapter One: Lessons 1-10

Wordskills Units 1 & 2

Follow the link below to get to the Powerpoint Presentations:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Term Test

It's almost time for your first TEST! November 2nd 2010 (Tuesday)

This exam will include everything that we've covered since the beginning of the term:

  • Complete Subjects/Complete Predicates
  • Simple Subjects/ Simple Predicates
  • Verb Phrases
  • Compound Subjects
  • Compound Predicates
  • Kinds of Sentences
  • Subjects in Unusual Order
  • Subject Complements
  • Objects Of Verbs
  • Fragments and Run-ons
  • Wordskills Units 1 and 2


PowerPoint Presentations:




Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 6 Term 1

Welcome to Week Six!

This week we will be covering:
Singular and Plural Nouns, Possessive Nouns,
and Commas in Sentences

(Language Network)
Chapter 2:
Lesson 2: Singular and Plural Nouns
Lesson 3: Possessive Nouns
Chapter 11:
• Lesson 2: Commas in Sentences
(Word Skills)
• Unit 3:
Parts B and D

Journal Six:
"If you were stuck on a deserted island and you could take only one character from a movie with you, who would it be?"

*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 3

Your journal must also contain:
• Introduction (Three Sentences)
• Body (Five Sentences)
• Conclusion (Three Sentences)

• G.U.M Pages 35 and 38
• Word Skills Unit 3 Part D

Quiz 5:
Complete Sentences
Sentence Fragments
Run-on Sentences
Common & Proper Nouns
Concrete & Abstract Nouns
Collective Nouns

Follow the link below to get to the Powerpoint Presentations:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 3 Term 1

Mr. JB Language
Welcome to Week Three Term One. This week we will be covering Kinds of Sentences, Subjects in Unusual Order, Revising, Editing, and Proofreading in Writing.
Journal Two: “Can you think of someone who isn’t famous who has inspired you? Explain how this person has inspired you”

*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 2
Your journal must also include:
• Introduction (Three Sentences)
• Body (Five Sentences)
• Conclusion (Three Sentences)
• G.U.M Pages 17 and 20
• Word Skills Unit 2 Part C

*Remember to bring your portfolio every day.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 2 Term 1

Welcome to Week Two Term One. This week we will be covering Verb Phrases, Compound Sentence Parts, and the Writing Process.

(Language Network)
Chapter 1:
• Lessons 4: Verb Phrases
• Lesson 5:
Compound Sentence Parts
Chapter 12:
• Lesson 2:
• Lesson 3:
(Word Skills)
• Unit 1: Parts B and D

Journal Two:
“If you could close your eyes and see yourself ten years from now, what do you think you’d see? What are you doing? Do you have a job? If so what is it?”

*Your Journal must include five words from Word Skills Unit 1 (Page 14)

Your journal must also contain:
Introduction (Three Sentences)
Body (Five Sentences)
Conclusion (Three Sentences)

• G.U.M Pages 11 and 14
• Word Skills Unit 1 Part D

  • Complete Subject
  • Complete Predicate
  • Simple Subject
  • Simple Predicate

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 1 Term 1

Welcome all students to the first week of Term one. During this week we will become familiarized with class expectations and objectives. After a brief introduction, we will begin the first of many lessons to come. We look forward to meeting you all.

· The materials needed for this class will be simple, but extremely important.

The materials are as followed:

1. Portfolio (divided into four sections)

- Warm-ups
- Notes
- Homework
- Quizzes/ Tests

2. A5 notebook (Make sure that it is an A5 notebook when you purchase)

3. Notebook Paper for your portfolio. (One full package)

4. Plastic Sleeves (One Package for the year)

· Also, all warm ups will be done on a warm-up sheet that I will give you at the beginning of the week and collect at the end.